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Haddonfield Public Schools will be accepting applications for the 2025/26 school year in the Fall of 2024.

We welcome qualified students who value the challenges and choices of large schools but enjoy the collegial environment of small ones. Please check back for more information regarding our upcoming application process.

We will announce which Middle School and High School grades will be accepting tuition applicants in the Fall of 2024 for the 2025/26 School year.

Non-Haddonfield residents who want to enroll in the general education program of the middle or high school can do so through the Tuition Program. This high-achieving public district accepts a limited number of qualified students whose test scores and school experiences indicate they will succeed in Haddonfield’s rigorous academic program.

Fill out the form below to receive additional information about our Tuition program


    Parent Name (required):

    Student Name (required):

    What grade is your child currently in?

    Your Email (required):

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    State (required): Zip (required):

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    Tuition Rates:

    Students who are not residents of the Haddonfield district pay annual tuition for 2024-25 of:

    • Middle School (6th – 8th): $14,861
    • High School (9th – 12th): $17,833
    • International Student: $28,289

    To maintain ideal class sizes, Haddonfield school district must cap the number of students admitted through the Tuition Program. The number varies each year and with each graduating class. Once a student is accepted, a $500 non-refundable deposit will hold his or her spot and serve as a credit toward tuition.

    LYNN – Parent

    “Our daughter is a highly motivated, competitive student-athlete. HMHS was the best choice for her because the environment enabled her to thrive academically as well as athletically. There is no doubt in our minds that our daughter is well prepared for college!”

    Natalie – Class of 2019

    Natalie – Class of 2019

    Lacrosse player, Peer Leader, in college to study sports communications. “My mom is a graduate of  Haddonfield, and so she knew that Haddonfield has excellent academics and athletics. The teachers really get to know you and genuinely want what’s best for you. In Greek Drama, my teacher knew I was afraid of public speaking, and she helped me to overcome it.”

    Channell – Parent


    “I decided to send my son to HMHS as a tuition student because of its success with regard to having a high-level of academic programs and extraordinary student support.”

    Nichol – Class of 2019

    Nichol – Class of 2019

    Soccer player, Peer Leader, in college to study nursing.
    “I came to HMHS as a freshman from a much larger school district that didn’t really challenge me academically. I have loved so many classes, but especially AP Bio where the teacher engaged all of us and made me love science. At HMHS, I found out who I really am.”

    Gabrielle – Class of 2019

    Gabrielle – Class of 2019

    Softball player, National Honor Society member, in college to become a physical therapist. “My mom moved me from a small private school to Haddonfield when I was in sixth grade. It was hard at first, because Haddonfield really challenges us. But once I realized I could do the work, my confidence soared and I began to excel.”

    Rickey – Student

    Rickey – Student

    Sophomore, winter track team member. “I came to Haddonfield Middle School in sixth grade, and I was surprised at the workload at first. But I saw my sister do it, and I just settled in. We do cool stuff in biology. Last year, we extracted DNA from strawberries!”

    Brandon – Student

    Brandon – Student

    Sophomore. “My mom really made the decision to move me from another public school district, but I was excited to go to a better middle and high school. The students were easy to get to know. Better education, better college, and better life.”

    MICHELLE – Parent

    “I have had three tuition students at Haddonfield. My first child received a college scholarship from the Haddonfield Educational Trust as well as an athletic college scholarship. She is pre-med now. My second child is a HMHS grad and has been accepted to a very competitive Doctor of Physical Therapy program. My son has just begun his sophomore year. We could not ask for better teachers, coaches or guidance counselors​.”


    All tuition program inquiries start with a simple phone call to Barb Nobel in the Business Office at 856-429-7510 ext. 6217 or an email.

    Looking for the Haddonfield Public Schools website? Click here.